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Fitness Trainer

2013 Resolutions? Disillusioned?

In my 25 years as a personal trainer and fitness instructor, I have always looked forward to each new January, the month when couch potatoes get off the couch and go to the gym in droves. We in the industry always see an influx of new students right after the first of the year. But as everyone in my business knows, after January 15, ninety-five percent of the newbies never return, while a mere five percent remain firmly committed. Why the disparity, when losing weight tops the chart at number one as the most common of all New Year’s resolutions? Disillusioned with your resolution? Why? Time certainly can’t be the factor, when the majority of you are retired. Lack of resources is understandable, but not if you live here and experience Body Sculpting, the best bargain in this pueblo....

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